The Great Acorn Adventure Rally

October 28, 2023
8:15 am - 1:00 pm

It's a fundraiser! It's a game! It's a bunch of fun at Camp!

Your team (minimum of two people) will walk to and complete five adventure activities staged around Camp Roger earning one acorn per adventure activity completed. At the end of the adventure time, teams get their hand stamped up to five times in exchange for random playing cards. The team with the best five-card hand at the end of the event day is named the winner.

If you can walk through the woods – YOU CAN DO THIS! There’s no incentive for being fast, fit, or athletic. Worried you won’t have a great hand of cards or might not have time to complete all five activities to earn your five acorns needed for a full hand? Simply love Camp? Fundraise ahead of the event! Each $250 raised before noon on October 27 will earn that team an additional blind card draw at the game’s end. The more you raise, the more you can increase the chances of having a winning hand.

One team (minimum of two) people. See Complete Rules and Instructions below.

Registration includes lunch for each team member and a deck of cards for each team. Top card hands receive prizes!

Donations support the following Camp initiatives: Property Acquisition, Acorn Fund (Financial Aid), Leadership Investment Grant, or Solar Panel Project. A donor may choose this when making an online donation or writing a memo on the check.

Get a team together and let's do this!

Donation Categories:

Property Acquisition Fund

Several properties bordering Camp Roger are critical for Camp to purchase preventing residential developments from coming close to our campus.
This land will provide additional space for exploration and fun. 

Acorn Fund (Financial Aid)

Lowers the cost of camp by providing 'choose-your-own-pricing' and eliminates barriers that can prevent access to our campuses including transportation, mobility access, and mental health support.

Leadership Investment Grant

Camp Roger will award Leadership Investment Grants to applicants who are people of color and/or have significant financial needs or hardships. Grants are awarded for use towards college tuition, trade school, or other leadership programs as an investment into their future.
Fund an entire or partial grant through your gift.

Solar Panel

Creation is a key component of Camp Roger’s mission, and we want to take care of it.

To this end, Camp has installed a large number of solar panels on the roof of Ridge Hill which will be able to cover 60-70% of our electrical needs.  This investment is a unique way to care for Creation.

Make online donations here:

Thank you for jOINING US!