Day Camp
Camp Scottie - Howard City, Michigan
Check in between 8:00 - 8:30 am each weekday morning. Pick up at 4:30 pm each weekday.
**Note: Camp Scottie Day Camp has partnered with several schools and organizations for 2024 that will have their own scheduled sessions.
If you are part of those organizations, you will be receiving a separate notification about how to register in spring 2024.
You do not need to register on January 15, unless you would like your camper to also attend another session.
These include The Potter's House School (June 3 - 7) and Zeeland Christian's Circle of Friends (July 1 - 3).
If you are part of those organizations, you will be receiving a separate notification about how to register in spring 2024.
You do not need to register on January 15, unless you would like your camper to also attend another session.
These include The Potter's House School (June 3 - 7) and Zeeland Christian's Circle of Friends (July 1 - 3).